- 最新公告Thoughts, musings, and ruminations.November 22, 2023As I have learned over the past couple of months Taiwan beckons adventure seekers and nature...November 18, 2023Returning to Hualien has been a breath of fresh air both mentally and physically, taking some...October 24, 2023In the heart of Taiwan, nestled between the rolling mountains and serene coastlines, there's a...September 26, 2023After two weeks here in Taipei I have learned a great deal about the country, its people and...September 14, 2023My first week has swiftly passed since my arrival in Taiwan, and it's been a thoughtful journey...September 12, 2023Last night, I attended a language exchange event at a trendy cafe in Songjjang Nanjing. To claim...September 8, 2023Upon my arrival in this bustling city, I couldn't help but feel the incredible energy in the air....July 26, 2023Form follows function. This tenet that guides modernism is entrenched in architecture...July 17, 2023A building at the seat of power deserves a similar grandeur. The Presidential Palace in...July 13, 2023The imposing structure of the Taipei Main Station stands tall as the bustling transportation hub...July 12, 2023Taiwan is unique for its rich and diverse history. As Spanish, Dutch, Japanese, and Chinese...July 11, 2023Architecture is a powerful art form that shapes the world around us, blending functionality with...In the southeastern province of Fujian in China, nestled amidst picturesque landscapes, lies...May 21, 2023王董事長您好, 股東會董事改選在即。 見您在市場派共同徵求名單之列,訝然與喟然。 王董是我曾虛心求教的一位前輩。我們在花蓮也有幸見過幾次面,不只一次表態無意參與台開的公共事務,私募案...January 19, 2023有關媒體17日報導「台開經營權之爭!女員工保管大小章竟挨告」,文中未見提及台開公司因該名王姓員工所做所為,已面臨經營受阻與遭受利益損害,對於媒體未給出兩造平衡說法,僅將部分案件理解為經營權紛爭,...January 10, 2023又將是嶄新的一年,感謝各位過去一年的努力,先在這裡祝大家新年快樂、健康平安。 回顧 2022,必定是難以抹滅記憶的一年。 除卻大環境的疫情衝擊,年初開始的動盪,換法派、經營權爭奪、新舊派...January 10, 2023抗議!抗議!「年代、壹電視」對台開報導 "不實" 年代新聞、壹電視 身為台開股東,卻藉由媒體操作,做出對台開公司之不實報導,意圖撼動股東對台開公司的信任、間接減損公司利益,台開將建請NCC督...January 5, 2023致台開公司全體股東: 公司經營團隊和我,長久以來身為專業經理人,我們最主要的則是管理您的部分儲蓄,而您長久以來的信任使我們備感榮幸。 身為管理者,我們有責任向您匯報相關訊息,將心比心,如...December 13, 2022文:邱于芸 今年3/31,上市公司公告申報財務報表那天,我不被認定為台開負責人。但現在,我以台開負責人資格無虞的狀態下簽結財報。只要有一點點的往前,就是我還在這裡的理由;只要今天比昨天更好,...
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